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Instagram: @cequimera
Artist and researcher born in Argentina, I live in Europe since 2000. I experiment, write and do performance dealing with questions about bodies, identities and technosciences without losing sight of the commitment to collective knowledge. I revisit Anthropology, Biology and Ecology from a critical and undisciplined perspective with a focus on transfeminist and anticolonial processes. I am interested in the body as an engine of mutation, as an enabler of sex-gender dissidence but also of species dissidence. I develop projects dealing with multi-species genealogies, living technologies, oracles as scientific research methods and speculative narratives in a queer ecosystem.
I cofounded the Quimera Rosa lab, where I focused on cyborg identities and trans*species becoming with the Trans*Plant project. I develop interactive installations and biohacking experiments, I engage in curatorial/career work in art/science – now in Wetlab, Hangar - and I understand educational processes as artistic production - I co-direct Pluriversidad Nómada-.